What would you think is the most important aspect of a website, an
opt-in page, or maybe even the flyer that you pick up for the pharmacy specials
every month? Is it the
graphics? ok, graphics are super important,
they definitely attract attention. Is it the type of sale? Is it the
image being featured? Well it all has something to do with the sales. But if I had to boil it down to the most
important thing on any sales page, any piece of information that you're putting
out there on the Internet in order to create a result that would be
Copywriting is super important. If you do not have high quality
copywriting that calls the attention of your ideal customer to take the next
action step in your sales process, then nothing else really matters. So, today I want to share with you a copywriting
tool that you need to have. it's almost
a secret, because not a lot of people is talking about it and the reason I talk
about it is because I am in touch with copywriters very often. I've worked with people in the personal
development industry and I know copywriting is basically sales gold and when
done correctly it can make the difference between selling nothing and making
lots of sales.
So, I want to share with you a tool that you have access to right inside
the builderall back office that will save thousands and thousands of dollars a
year in copywriting fees and I will show you how you can also transform some of
your copy into copy that converts into money.
First of all, let's take a look at some of the highest converting sales
pages in the market right now. So for instance, let's check clickfunnels. This
is a very popular funnel software that lots of people use. Check this goofy picture and tell me if this
call your attention. Or maybe it's the words on the page? If you do not understand copywriting and you just put whatever you like,
then, the text on here may not convert the same way as if you intentionally
write words that sell. I mean, there
could be thousands of books that have been written by renamed authors that
hire copywriting experts and they will
tell you that without good copywriting, any of your stuff won't sell.
In this long sales letter, you can see that there are some words that
simply stand out. But, how much do you think it costs to hire a copywriter to
write copy that sells millions of dollars? Do you think you are going to pay $50 an hour? not even close. I
know, let's say, for a top personal development salesman, a long long sales
page, a long-form sales letter, it was
charging you probably fifteen to
twenty-five thousand dollars, because
this page has probably sold millions of dollars of products. But, chances are you're not trying to sell
millions of dollars of products. Probably you're just trying to generate your
first few sales and you just need some copywriting help.
Now, how much does a copy right
charge to write a long-form sales letter?
basically $5,000!! so if you want
to make 5,000 then you've got to sell at least $100,000 right? if you want
$500,000, then you have to spend at least $25,000 right? that's just a given
copywriting. It's not easy. It takes time, it takes research, you have to
really know your avatar, you have to really know the pain and you really have
to be a good storyteller. So there's a lot to consider.
But if you're reading this article, chances are you're somewhere in the
beginning to middle range and you're trying to figure out how to do this by
yourself. So, that is where the script writer comes in.
Now, when I saw this tool inside of my builderall back office, my jaw
dropped!! I was like kids in a candy store. You know, like when you walk into a
candy store that there's just like so much to choose from….just like that!! and
I said….oh my gosh…. are you kidding me?
This tool right now, if you go to
clickfunnels, you would buy their software by ninety-seven dollars a month or
you would pay $300 a month to include actions.
I am definitely Pro clickfunnel,
but the more I use builderall, the more I love it because they've got so many
stuff that's making me want to use their tool more and more. And that is
basically because they figured out every single digital entrepreneur needs, and
they know that eventually, if you're serious, you're gonna pay for those tools.
You're going to pay for an auto responder, you're going to buy sales funnel
services, you're going to hire a copywriter to create the words on your sales
pages, so they know this in advance.
So, how does this amazing tool work?
Let's say you're running some sort of marketing campaign and you have
different prospects. Ok, let's say
you're selling a supplement, right, well
you have different people you can target with your product. Suppose it is a fat
loss supplement and you're going to have different prospects right? you're
going to have different sales pages that have to target different people.
You're going to have some pages to target women in their 40s. You're going to target men in their 50s, maybe with diabetes. There's going to be different types of people
inside of that demographic, and, of course, you're not going to hire a
copywriter for each and every single time.
Then, you need the most targeted
copy that connects with the people that you're trying to reach.
This is when
the script tool comes in. It is as easy as choosing an avatar name, and answer
some questions that the software ask. For example what age is your prospect,
let's say 30 years old female, college
dropout, married, she's in the marketing niche. Okay just to give you an idea,
then you go to step two, and you go ahead and
you just fill out these forms. It's going to ask you a bunch of
questions and you just fill it out the best you can.
And again, you're just going to go ahead and enter the pain(or problem that your customers
need to solve). Now, we'll talk about your offer. What are you trying to
sell? Then, we'll make a call to action, and then we are going to wrap it up.
So, now, what we want to do is go to generate an script. Let´s call her Cindy,
the 30 year old female dropout college. Now we can write personal development
scripts, internet marketing, local business, health and fitness, sales,
speakers, authors, coaching, affiliate marketing, emails, software and social media.
Let's just go ahead and do internet marketing. Okay, look at this now. You have funnel scripts, webinar scripts,
advertising scripts, and they are all targeted to Cindy my avatar. Remember, it's not gonna be 100% perfect.
You're still gonna have to polish it up a little bit, but forget about hiring
writers! and it already does your bullet points and we are talking only to
Cindy, our avatar, and you can do the same for many more. Look, it even has a
WYSIWYG editor where you can edit this and polish it up and then export the
I mean, this is this is gold! It's just ridiculous. Look, you would have a video sales letter, you
could create a webinar, or even create a vesl. Go into your back office and
play with this tool, it is amazing and you are going to save tons of money and
you are going to be able to get ten times the results than trying to write copy
yourself. A lot of people cannot write
copy, but if you can answer a few questions, this will generate copy for you
and then you polish it up a little bit and that is it!! You're good to go.